Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Welcome to Our Blog!

Third Eye Threads is a vintage-inspired, eco-friendly yoga and active-wear line made by yogis for you, (yes, you!) with Love!

We want you to wear your Third Eye Threads and feel empowered to Be Powerful; Be Playful; Be Beautiful…because we know you already are!

Third Eye Threads is a grassroots effort (that means we work hard because we believe in this!) founded by certified Anusara yoga teacher Chad Satlow in 2003.

Our clothes are socially responsible and eco-friendly
. AND—they’re designed and organically produced in the United States.

Third Eye Threads incorporates yogic symbols, (like Ganesh the obstacle-free elephant) that encourage everyone to uncover their inner yogi.

But don’t worry if you’ve never even stepped one toe on a yoga mat.

“A yogi isn’t just someone practicing yoga—it applies to everyone who acts skillfully in the community, aligns with grace and lives from the heart,” says Satlow .

Third Eye Threads incorporates a late ‘60’s and early ‘70’s vintage style.

Why? Because it’s an era that stands for change, reminds us each individual can make a difference, and encourages us to care for our planet.

Third Eye Threads is currently worn by many of the world’s best yoga teachers including: Sri. K. Pattabhi Jois, Sharath Jois, Erich Schiffman, Desiree Rumbaugh, Amy Ippolittie, Sean Corn, Lilias Folan and Sianna Sherman.

And we’d like you to join us...because we're raising the vibration of the world one t-shirt at a time!

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